Monday, July 19, 2010


Untitled from Becky DeMartini on Vimeo.

Bye bye!

Ok, so this was supposed to go up last Friday... but better late then never. We miss you mom! Thanks for everything!!

We're officially on our own for the first time. My mom just left last night after she extended her stay for a few days :) We already miss her so much!! She was a big help and Tucker is going to miss his long walks around the deck with her and all their special bonding time. And don't worry. First day gone and I've already showered and ate breakfast. I guess that's a good enough start and a sure sign we'll probably survive somehow around here! Thanks for everything grama lolo!!

 Mom and Dawn, one of the ladies in the morning swim group that mom joined :)
the only picture of all of us together. nice one, right?
almost made it out of there with no tears... almost, but not quite.
Thanks mom.