Nativity: Elizabeth and Zacharias. Turns out Garrett is quite the actor. Very nicely done on his part :) Mine, not so much, a lot of giggling. How old am I?
Gio did an awesome job as the angel
And this is Nephi and his wife. Not sure what they were doing here but they were a great couple.
And of course, April leading the music with enthusiasm
And after the white elephant Tuck ended up with this remote control car and as you can see, he was pretty pleased.
Christmas morning was craziness and really fun. There were a lot of presents under the tree. Especially a lot of cars for Tucker.
Danny and Kaity made canes for D&N out of manzanita branches from the yard and they were beautiful. Everyone got a pretty good kick out of them.
Our 2nd Christmas with Tuck already. Crazy. This time was so much fun. He loved opening presents.
Stoked about getting his noisy police car with siren from uncle Al. Wouldn't you be?
Opening more cars...
And more...
Checking out each others loot after things calmed down a bit.
And here's an awesome video taken by Danny, but i actually like it.

I am grateful this year for our healthy, happy family that loves each other. I do feel so blessed.