We decided to have Tuckers birthday party early this year since my due date was too close for comfort to his real birthday and I was already having a hard enough time waddling around. And the main reason, because Tuck's cousins were here. Doug really wanted a slip-n-slide, I wasn't so sure I wanted the hassle, but it turned out really fun. We all had a great time.
Luckily uncle Danny got back from his work trip just in time for the party.
Just getting the party started.
I made a sign to put under the slide. Tuck seemed to like it. His two major loves right now, cars and trains. He started loving Thomas about a month or so ago. So cute how he say Thomassss.
And yes, this was probably helping me get dilated so fast, but it was really fun. Luckily we did it early because I'm pretty sure I would not be doing that now.
Tucker can finally tell the difference between Gio and Zeke and know they are 2 different people now. He had so much fun with them and cried when they left.
This was the big boys race. Kind of a long video, and not sure why it's so fuzzy, but enjoy if you wish.
More pictures to come, but it was a really great day and are so glad Tuck's around and that he's 2!