Well not much is new I don't think. Except that about 2 weeks ago he stood up for about 5 seconds on his own and then just sat down... and since then he may be spotted standing in the middle of the room all by himself just looking around. He's starting to take steps a few at a time. It is very exciting!! Maybe he'll be walking by the end of this month. Yay / Oh NO!
He's still a super fast crawler. Bear crawl only these days. Still a blankie snuggler. He is really good at waving hi and bye and clapping and is practicing putting his pointer fingers together for some reason. He loves birds and loves the beach and is starting to really love the water. Races towards it. Starting to really recognize people, but is still friendly to most. Starting to play pretty good with other babies. He knows to climb down from the bed or couch feet first. So cute to watch him turn around. He recently tried to get down too quick and is now a scaredy cat, but he stops at the edge at least :) He takes the stairs like a big kid, one whole step at a time.
We think he finally weighs 18lbs! Doug said he was putting his face in the water by himself the other day. Slept 11 hours last night :) Not usually that good, but generally sleeps at least until 5:30 eats and goes back to sleep for a bit. And 2 naps still. He's starting to play longer in his crib before naps. Half hour later I go check on him, sure he's asleep since I haven't heard a peep and he's just looking out the back window staring at the birds and chickens walking around I think.
He makes his mouth into an oval and breathes through it and makes a whistling sound.
Cousin Luke is here right now and he loves to rub his head because he has so much hair. It looks so soft and fuzzy :) He loves to push his new truck around the kitchen floor. He loves the remote control helicopters that doug and jake got. he can't keep his eyes off them. He is starting to not nurse as much and eat a lot more. He is pretty funny these days as long as he gets enough to eat and goes to be early enough.
He finally likes the bath again!!! Tucker usually gets so fun right before bed. I love it. He is happy to just play around in the living room and comes in for cuddles a lot.And doesn't even cry every time when we put him down for bed after reading a book, prayers, eating then snuggling. He just lays in his crib for awhile on his back kicking the side of his crib.
Oh, and he is starting to love watching baby movies. For the past month every time I'm not actively thinking of something my mind is singing "It's signing time with Alex and Leah". But Tucker loves it. And that's that.
And he absolutely lights up when Dad starts playing with him. He never laughs so hard.

Friends Angela, Domi and Kainoa came and it was so fun to see them all!

Took out the Bumbo for Luke and Tucker now has a new jungle gym toy.

And his other, most favorite, jungle gym toy:

Playing in the mud on and dad's new grass.

Playing with his loot from his first Easter egg hunt. With cheerios inside.

Really enjoying months 9-10. He is a complete ball of energy and kind of crazy, but definitely makes us smile.