Hope everyone had a really fun Halloween. We definitely did. We found this bee costume for Tuck at a thrift store in CA and cut off the arms so he wouldn't die of heat, Doug's dad really has some hives that he keeps so we borrowed his bee keeper suit, and Enos and Al helped me make my beehive costume. Then we headed to Moana St. to go trick-or-treating with Tuck. He started out tired before we even left but he ended up having a great time. He was so cute in his costume. He ate lots of candy and got the hang of the whole thing pretty quick. His hands were super sticky from double fisted lollipops. Luckily someone was giving out hotdogs and water (best idea ever!) so it kept us all going. We all had a really great time and it was fun to see everyone in their costumes. Usually I'm not one for dressing up but it was fun this time. And we were so glad that Uncle Al and Jake were able to come.
Before we even started:

yellow jacket and bumble bee
More, more, more:

This creepy zombie kid was following me and making me a bit squirmish truth be told
hightlight of the night, seeing jake getting a real good laugh because al saw a kid drop some candy and instead of giving it back he swiped it real quick and ate it.
tuck and bowen together, so cute. i can't believe how much bowen can talk already.
finishing off at randy's house

And I'm just saying, with 4 adults that love chocolate and candy and only one kid suitably young enough for a trick or treat basket, i think next year we are going to need to bring another kid along with us.