I'm not going to lie. The thought, "what the heck were we doing having this kid" crossed my mind more times than I can remember in those first few months. And the main thing that made sense was the fact that there is no where in the world we'd rather be, and no other people in the world we'd rather be around than our family. We have been so blessed with seriously amazing family with so much love everywhere. We are very lucky. So, when we get to be around any of our family it is quite a treat. And luckily we get to see a variety of them quite often (although not nearly enough). Just a few of the faces we have loved seeing lately.
Great posts! I love them all. I love this one. We really are so lucky. The DeMartini family is amazing. So much fun. Sienna said, "The DeMartinis didn't have a family, they had a party. They said, how many people do you need to have a good party. 11. Okay we'll have 11." So true. It's always a party when everyone's together.