Monday, October 1, 2012

Syncronized Swimming

OK, this was so fun to watch this summer. Doug and I couldn't get our act together for this, but everyone did so awesome. I love that everyone is willing to be so silly and just go for it. My babies were freaking out this morning so I'm not even sure who won the competition, but frankly they all did awesome. We ran out of memory space so we didn't catch the end of Al and Britta's who had quite a finale. And I think Jos and Mason too! Sorry guys.

Kaity & Danny:

Emily & Garrett:

Britta & Al:

Joslin & Mason:

And of course, the single ladies, April, Nat & Ellie:


  1. THE LIFT!! YOU LEFT OFF THE LIFT!!! I'm requesting a re-post!!

  2. haha those are pretty funny. i want to see you and doug do one! and Britta, you were great even without the lift! very impressive!

  3. Haha yeah Doug and Becky really missed out in not creating a routine. It would have been a good one. But good job and thanks for recording you guys. :)
    And I love hearing Julia's laugh during the Single Ladies routine. She really loved it!
