Friday, March 19, 2010

[ i heart family ]

my mom and dad and sister cassie came to visit last week and what a treat it was. I haven't seen any of my family since i've been pregnant and this is my parents first grandchild, so needless to say, it was pretty exciting to see everyone. it was sadly kind of rainy/windy most of the time, but we got a perfect saturday, so that was nice. did some baby shopping (thanks mom and cass!), did some organizing and getting a room ready for the baby (thanks again mom and cass!) and hung around. perfect.
This is what us womenfolk were doing in the meantime...
And a really hyper whale was going crazy out in the ocean not to far away. Luckily he was in the mood to put on quite a show.

he was patting my big belly in this picture. dad missed that part :)
on the tower at the red house. thinking about a sunday afternoon/evening walk but it was sooo windy.
thanks for taking some cute pictures cass.

And pretty much this is how exciting it was to have everyone here for a little while :) love you guys.


  1. So fun, i am so jealous that i wasnt there, but beck you just wait, and you will have your little dose of Alli :)

  2. hey becky and doug too, i found your website and had to catch up! you guys look great and i can't believe there is a little one on the way. how exciting! you guys are awesome! congrats and enjoy hawaii!!!! i miss it so
